Matthew 6:11 “Give us this day, our Daily bread.”
Twice in the this short phrase of The Lord’s Prayer, we are confronted with a timeframe of God’s provision . . . one day’s worth. Give us today . . . daily bread. When was the last time, you had only one day’s worth of provision? When was the last time you went to the cupboards and had only enough food to feed your family for one day? When was the last time you went to the bank and had only enough money for today’s bills? When was the last time you had no idea how your provision was coming tomorrow and you were totally OK with it?
IF God only gave you enough provision for today and had no reserves for tomorrow, would you be OK with it? Would be content? Would be resting in the arms of a Father as your young newborns do? The Children of Israel had to live with this reality on a daily basis for forty years. Could you?
For forty years, God gave his children mana as their daily food staple. It fell from heaven in the darkness of early morning. It was available to be gathered until the mid morning sun caused it to melt away. God allowed each person to gather only enough mana for one day. Any extra amounts intended to be stored and saved for future use would stink horribly and grow maggots.
The only exception to this rule was Friday. On this day alone did God allowed his children to gather enough mana for two days, Friday and Saturday or Shabbat. Once you woke up on Sunday, you were back to one day’s worth of food in the house for the rest of the week. Period.
Dear God, grant us the contentment to live before you with the daily provisions you chose to provide. God please help us to agree with the words of Paul in Philippians 4:11-13, “I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”
Dear God, grant us contentment in the provision you chose to provide this day. Help us to rejoice and even be glad in your daily provision, regardless of the amount. For if the provision comes from your hand, then it is enough and I can trust it.
Dear Lord, help me to see that when you provide for me . . . daily, I am reminded how I am loved . . . daily.
For when I see just one days’ provision, I am able to live like I am loved, because I am.
“Live Like You Are Loved”, Hawk Nelson. When God gives you just one day’s worth of provision, you can live like you are loved, because you are. Let this song revive and encourage your heart and soul this week. Click here to hear this wonderful song
Written by:
D. Mike Collins
Habakkuk 2:4 “The Just shall live by faith.”