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“Why did you choose me?” a poem by my daughter, Meredith Ann Collins

2012 12 1 Sunrise Meri Fotopedia

When I witness the sunrise, I think of your mercy
And remember the story of your great sacrifice.
 I then think of my Savior and how he humbled himself.
Laying down his own life to pay the price that our sin demanded.
When I look at the heavens, I think of my true home,
Of singing and dancing, praising your glorious name.
I think of your splendor and greatness, your wonder and beauty.
I ponder your power and awesomeness and I meditate on your word.
I rely on your wisdom and I seek your guidance.
You are my strong tower and I know that you will keep me safe.
Then I praise you and praise you with all my heart.
I lay down everything that I have and give it to you.
Then I think of myself of my sin and shame. 
I think of your overflowing love and wonder why you chose me.
photo by fotopedia



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